I've a friend. She's a brighter honestly person from all my friends. In contrast, she have a bad an attitude: complaint, and attention to important thing. A women who haven't leader sense to make decision, and bold attitude. Sometimes i hate with it, so that i just keep on silent--
I ever have a desire to change this person, she must have a desire, a confident, a true attention to important thing. Or she will have a trouble problem later, for herself or other persons around her. I love her honest attitude, but when i need (very need) her bold to make decision, she always said, "up to you."
Okay, it's up to me, but i just need a friend to share her/his own thinking :( because i need a right decision, and need from anyperspective if that's possible.
Every adult person must have a principe to drive their life. I ever ask her why she joined an organization (1 of this faculty), is she have a passion? Her answer made me: "gregetan!"
We are so different each other, in reality. I am an weird person--sometimes--but i just ordinary person who have a lot of free thinking and a lot of desire...and I sometimes don't care other things when i have full thinking, but i usually attention other things. That's why i have a lot of questions, and i have a lot of new ideas--concepts.\
I just wanna say her, that she can do anything if she want get it! If she have her orisinal own thinking. I very dissapointed when i need a friend to share each other, but i get her complaint. Yesterday, from her story to public, i listened her about got lost at market with me, and she again and again COMPLAINT!!! You know what, buddy, why i choosen that direction, huh?
Because you no help where we must go on! You just say, "I don't know." Then twice. Then then then
You didn't give an option to get solve problem. You give me way to choose anything--so that, when my option was failed, you are so bad told as if that's all was only my own fault.
Have you ever have sense that i very tired, when first time, i be a speaker at market--you are in silent, as if you give me a right to do that! i just feel work alone. With a silent shadow. I tried to cheerful when we are lost in market, but you just COMPLAINT AGAIN AND AGAIN.
I told myself i was crying... mareover you told to everyone at the end of day, about your complaint :,(
Your complaint give my a sink hole, like a karst landscape.
I love you buddy, seriously, but you need change your attitude. . I never meet others like you before... T_T
ps. oh yeah, you also need to try free laugh--give a door to others to know who you are IN REAL. Prove who are you!
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merci beaucoup~ :) your opinion's so valuable for me