Geographers and Their Future
Les employeurs ont rarement besoin d'un spécialiste étroit. Ils ont besoin de brillants, engagés, des individus curieux et déterminé par la capacité à s'appuyer sur ce qui se passe elsewhwere dans le monde. Les meilleurs géographes sont des étoiles à cet égard !
Professor David Rhind, Chief Executive (1991-81), Ordnance Survey (lembaga pemetaan nasional Inggris).
* Employers rarely need narrow specialist.
They need bright, committed, inquisitive and determined individuals with the ability
to draw on what is happening elsewhwere in the world. The best geographers are stars in this respect!
Sekelompok peneliti setuju bahwa geografi sebagai subjek memiliki keistimewaan amat berguna sebagai sebuah persiapan hidup secara umum sebanyak karirnya. Disini ada komentator-komentator serta karyawan-karyawan, dan pengarang yang sangat bersyukur pada Royal Geographical Society (dengan Institute of British Geographer) yang telah membuka pandangan orang-orang.
Geography provides a liberal education that transcends traditional disciplines boundaries in bringing together social and natural sciences—people and their environment. It deals with issues that are central for society and it equips the young for their future. Professor Andrew Goudle, Wakil Rektor, Universitas Oxford.
*Geografi memberikan sebuah pendidikan liberal melampaui batas-batas tradisional disiplin
dalam membawa ilmu sosial dan alam bersama-sama —manusia dan lingkungannya.
Ini berkaitan dengan isu-isu penting bagi masyarakat dan melengkapi generasi pemuda untuk masa depan mereka.
Numeracy, literacy and geographicity are the things that people in underdeveloped countries need to help them with their decisions. Baroness Chalker or Wallesey (Linda Chalker), Menteri Negara Inggris untuk Pembangunan Luar Negeri (1989-96)
*Berhitung, membaca, serta geografi perkotaan merupakan alat
yang dibutuhkan masyarakat di negara belum maju untuk membantu mereka dengan keputusan mereka.
The understanding of geography is central to industry for the efficient delivery of goods and services, and the commercial sector has an increasing need to employ people who understand the interaction between people, environment and society. Vanessa Lawrence, GIS Business Development Manager, Autodesk Ltd.
*Pemahaman geografi adalah pusat industri untuk efisiensi barang dan jasa,
serta sektor komersial agar memiliki peningkatan kebutuhan untuk
mempekerjakan orang yang memahami interaksi manusia, lingkungan dan masyarakat.
The geographer we have recruited are well-organised, are able to structure their thought and actions most efficiently, and have very clear views of their career paths.
Pene Axtell, Recruitment and Training Manager, Carnaud Metalbox plc.
*Geografer yang kami telah rekrut ialah orang yang terorganisir baik,
mampu menyusun pemikiran dan tindakan yang paling efisien, memiliki pandangan sangat jelas akan jalur karir mereka.
Sebuah departemen Geografi Inggris menyatakan terdapat lulusan-lulusan baru yang secara khusus menilai dari gelar geografi mereka. Dibawah ini beberapa hal yang mereka katakan:
I really benefited from the applied skills I learned.
The research skills I got were very useful for my job marketing.
The friendly treatment I got from the staff—very accessible—suited me perfectly.
The field trips and the brief time we had getting to know professionals officials in the ‘real world’ were memorable and beneficial.
I am a property consultant and so analytical skills, data analysis and report writing were the things I got from the degree that have been invaluable for my job.
I went on to an MPhil in Social Sciences and then into consultancy in social and market research, so the key were the range of course, survey methods and the dissertation—that’s what I now do daily.
Research strategy and time management and interpersonal skills based around the projects.
The variety of the course has helped me to talk to people better (she is now in business banking!)
As a TV news researchers, I needed the all-round education and the broad based degree.
Report-writing to dealines (district manager for a brewery)
In my accident investigation work, the transport geography module was perfect for this job.
Barangkali KUNCI UTAMA disini ialah bagaimana kamu sampai untuk menilai berbagai bagian-bagian berbeda di gelar geografi, dan seringkali tidak tampak sebagai sedikitpun “geografi”. Kamu boleh jadi tidak dapat memprediksi saat di universitas yang akan keluar menjadi aspek terpenting bagimu di masa mendatang.